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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Mad Tour, Day 17

     October 11th

Wow!! Hard to believe it is day 17 of our 25 day tour! We awoke early – as in 05, early, no particular reason, just woke up. We went ahead and got around. It doesn't take us this long to pack up, but what else are we going to do. Then we went to breakfast around 0640. Breakfast was same, same.  Another couple (that has been here longer than us) will be joining us, and the “bosslady” as our reception guy calls her (she is the owner of our hotel).  The boat showed up at 730 and we five were aboard by 738. Then three more stops and on across the bay via the Anakao Express to dock in Tulear. It took same amount of time – around an hour. There was a bit more tidal activity, but this caused no problem except more spray. 

Arrived at dock to a lot more shoreline. The transport tractor and trailer had a further track to get us ashore. Once there – there was George. It was so good to see him, I hugged him. This surprised him but he did not shy away. Glad – I did not want to offend, but I am a hugger, once I know you. Anyway, we loaded up and headed out, after stopping for more water. It felt oddly like home being back in our vehicle. Upon leaving Tulear, we stopped at Auberge de la Table Arboretum. We had a guided tour through the garden. The guide knew her stuff and went into a bit too much detail, but she did an excellent job! She explained the four false baobab trees – they look similar but are not in the Baobab family at all. She also went into other plants and some their medicinal values to the Malagasy people. We also saw many birds: Paradise Flycatcher, a yellow-headed Weaver, a Running Koa, and an iridescent green necked bird with a scooped bill, but not a hummingbird. Also saw geckos; small iguanas – related to a crocodile; and one of two turtles – the largest, from Madagascar. It was a great visit. We enjoyed it.

Next we stopped in a town for lunch. Well, we had a snack – french fries and sodas, while George had lunch. Jeff paid for him. Headed back out. The terrain is very much like Arizona or Utah, VERY dry and hot. We past by villages where gemstones – rubies, sapphires, and emeralds are sought out and sold cheaply to India and China. He touched on this a bit. It goes back to Madagascar being mismanaged and poor. But the people do work hard. Crazy, vicious cycle.

Anyway, on next to Ranohira city and to  the Isalo National Park – around sunset. There is the natural wonder the Isalo Window, the local version of our natural arches in  Arches National Park. It is a photo opt (instagram) spot now at sunset. Everyone waits their turn. This park does have some great formations and we will hike in the park all day tomorrow. But it is the golden hour of photo greatness. So we took a bunch of pics. We left, went back into the town of Ranohira, and got checked into our hotel – Orchidee de l' Isalo. Finally we have great wifi so frantically updated our website and readied for supper. We had a starter of Onion soup. Mains of differently prepared Zebu – one with green peppercorn sauce, other was to have been pan seared ( we were not that impressed with either.) Dessert was bananas natural and a vanilla yogurt- which hit our spots.

Back up to room to post this blog and maybe do a whatsapp with family.

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