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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!


               Simply Living – Somewhere Else

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”                                                                                                Ibn Battuta



Sept 17 – Oct 6        Malaysia

Aug 7 – Sept 17       Vietnam

July 10 – Aug 7        Bangkok

Apr 12 –  July 9        Sri Lanka

Apr 2 – 12                Maldives

Mar 19 – Apr 1          Nepal

Jan 1 – Mar 19          India


Dec 10 – 31               India

Oct 31 – Dec 9          South Africa

Oct 19 – Oct 31         Reunion

Sept 25 – Oct 19       Madagascar

Aug 25 – Sept 25      Mauritius

August 22 – 25          Dubai

May 29 – Aug 22       Morocco

May 20 – 29               Portugal

May 2 – 20                 Spain

April 29 – May 2         Andorra

April 13 – 29               France

                      Start of New Life           

          April 12, 2023

WOW!! Here we are ready to start!  This is all the things whittled-down to.  I liken it to ” a good measure, pressed down,”  Lk 6:38.  Anyway, very excited as I write this.  Thanks to all praying for us and our great endeavor.