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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Bangkok- Foodie Fun #19

–August 2,

When we awoke – we knew our food destination, so we skipped breakfast. We wanted to be hungry! But we did catch a swim session before it started raining. Just before1200, we caught the Moniiq shuttle. We were let out at the BTS station – as per normal – but we deviated and walked a little walk to — Devilish, Smokin' BarBQ Shed- Man Meets Meat & Smoke! The menu advertised “American Low + Slow Barbeque!! Alright- let's check it out. We ordered a Brisket Solo Feed, which was 200 grams (7 ounces) of 14 hrs, smoked brisket with hot chips (fries) and coleslaw; a Pulled Lamb Chip Bowl, which is hot chunky chips (fries) with chicken salt – loaded with pulled  lamb, Tzatziki, Feta cheese, red onions and Kalamata olives; and a starter of Gourmet Onion Rings with a garlic Aioli dipping sauce. I had a glass of red wine and Jeff had a different- new kind of beer.

The onion rings came out first and were hot and crunchy good with that sauce. Next came the pulled lamb bowl. It was loaded with shredded, pulled lamb and lots of Feta. The Tzatziki was creamy and thick, and there was even mint leaves garnishing the top. Very good! It has been awhile since we have had lamb! Now, came the Brisket. It was so tender and smokey — YUM, making my mouth water as I write this! The rub was a great balance for the meat and had a BBQ dipping sauce!! There was also a spicy dipping sauce, which if you dipped the tip-tines of your fork in that was plenty!! Just saying! There were even pickle slices and Thai pickled onions. The fries are the thick steak fries, but so good with that Aioli sauce. The coleslaw was too sweet to our liking – so we added a dab of the spicy sauce, that improved it! This meal was comfort food for us! At one point, I thought I was in Kansas City… it was very brief, but WOWZA!! Definitely YOU can get any kind of food in Bangkok! This meal was pricey… 1740 Baht ($49.32)! That included a small tip. I did strike up a conversation with the main guy, and told him we were from America and that it very much reminded us of home BBQ. This seemed to make his day! We hope to come back, but our time is running short? Maybe Sunday??

Anyway, we went left, very happy. Jeff said it was probably a good thing he didn't think to look up BBQ-smoked meat place earlier in our time here in Bangkok. Because he would have wanted to come here way too much, and it was way too close to us! We went to the store for supper stuff and pharmacy for script refills. Then back to our place and siesta time!  Supper was a nice Greek salad we made at our place. Wow what a great Foodie Day!

—August 3,

Today we started with breakfast of some sweet (unfortunately) fruit and seed crusted rolls with pepperoni, and a yogurt each. Then we did a load of laundry. This washing machine has an option for drying also. It just takes a lot longer, but it works, mostly (we don't have to have our clothes all scattered out too long to finish drying, anyway). Once the laundry finished, we went out for lunch. The place we had in mind… we remembered it closed at 1400, so we were not going there. We thought of another place, but we weren't hungry enough for that one, so we opted for hamburgers.

We went to Easy Burgers and ordered a Garlic and Onion Burger- garlic mayo, cheese slice, caramelized onions and pickles; a Blue Hoo- Gorgonzola blue cheese, onion jam, ranch, onions and pickles; and a regular order of sweet potato fries. Every hamburger – we have had four of the eight – have been delicious!

We finished and went to a store for light supper stuff. Back at our place we were able to see a few highlights of the Olympics, and caught up on some You tube favorites. Then supper was some rice w/curry seasoning and peanuts; and a salad of fresh pineapple, pickled mango, and tomatoes w/ a mango juice-sesame sauce and curry seasoning topped w/peanuts.

Today was not as we had planned, but turned out pretty good. We even went out at 1900 to see some of Bangkok at night. We took the BTS to a stop that has an elevated walkway just below the BTS, but above the busy street. We walked on this a bit to see all the buildings lit up and more of the city coming to life. This is in part because it is cooler in the evening, but there is all the glitter of lights. It was neat to see, but we were done and went back to our place. I guess we are old “fuddy- duddies.” I wrote this blog as Jeff read. Hope to get to see some of you tomorrow!

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