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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Bangkok- Foodie Fun #17

       July 31,

WOW! It's the last day of July y'all!! Unbelievable! it had not occurred to me until I started this blog. This also means we only have seven days left here in Bangkok!☹️ We started the day – knowing what recommendation we were following for lunch – with a very light breakfast. We had a slice of cranberry walnut bread, toasted with some whipped butter. Then we caught Moniiq's shuttle to the BTS at 1000. We boarded the BTS and took it as close to the general area we could get. We stopped here briefly at the Scuba Outlet. I got a mask. Jeff went to a optical place right across the small alcove street. Prescription in hand, which they did not charge for BTW, we went back to the scuba place. But now they wanted extra for different lenses. So Jeff opted out of a mask just yet.

Now we caught a bus. Once off the bus we had a short walk. We found our food place: Neua Tun Nang Loeng. It was recommended by the Roaming Cook, and of course it is in a back alley little food area. We are here for Beef Brisket Soup! The owner, running the place now, has been here 22yrs – his Grandfather came from China in 1946 and started the business. He is very friendly and took our order as well as serving us. He pointed out his dad who he said lived in Arizona with his daughter for a bit. His dad gives out the bill and collects the money. The owner is great, very nice and super friendly, as Thai people are!

Anyway, we received our soup, and both said this is the best meal, hands down, we have had in Thailand and we told him so. The soup stock was so clear; flavorful; and slightly sweet from the richness that comes from slow, homemade stock. The brisket was pull apart tender, with some fat that just added more beefy goodness. There was only fresh green onion and coriander (cilantro) with the beef and stock. Deceptively simple to look at, but then such richness unfolds in your mouth with your first until your last bite. We did add one tiny 1/2 teaspoon of spiced vinegar sauce and this brought out the star anise flavoring the stock that the Roaming Cook mentioned. It was just so great!!! We were both glad we had our own bowl! We used the rice to get the last drops we could without licking the bowl. We had drinks – me a diet coke and Jeff a water. Now we paid – it was 184 Baht… That is only $5.17!! We just had, maybe the best bowls of soup we have ever had for five dollars. Amazing!! So thankful. We enjoyed the whole experience! Finished, we knew we have to come back here again before we leave Bangkok.

Now we left and walked to the metro. We took this to the giant, golden sitting Buddha and temple, called Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen. Unfortunately, now there is scaffolding enveloping the bottom 1/2 of the statue. It was not around it we we first arrived in Bangkok. We went on as we were committed now. I'm glad we did. It is impressive and well, big. But inside of a white stupa-like structure behind the Buddha is a museum(?) of sorts. There were all manner of inlaid wood pieces; small and big carved jade pieces and Buddhas – of all colors, including a purple jade; and everyday pieces of furniture, old typewriters… plus so much more. There was not any English explanations to who this belonged to or what it symbolized. Was it the King's possessions? What's the significance of old typewriters? I could go on — so, so many questions! We went up to the fifth floor – which is the last we are allowed to go to – and saw a really cool domed area of a heavenly realm(?) with sitting, painted Buddha figurines encircling the bottom. Next we went outside on a great look area, out over the temple complex, the back of the huge sitting Buddha, and Bangkok, in general. From this vantage, we also took in a canal with boats motoring along with tourists. We climbed back down out of the stupa structure, and made our way out of the temple. 

We found the BTS and caught it to our BTS link and back to our place. We decided to call about a Thai massage. It was available and we showered and went. We did another 90 minute head and body massage! These are just amazing – we hope to squeeze one more in before we leave. I have had the same masseuse all three times – Jeff, however, has had a different one all three times! My lady actually said she had missed me! What!?!  I have spoken maybe three sentences to her! Anyway, I do appreciate her! We both felt better, of course, after our massage. We are going to miss these, most assuredly!! We ended with our tea and paying (1100 Baht/ $30.92). 

Now we walked back to our place stopping at the street vendor we have stopped at frequently. We got breaded, fried chicken breast on rice, and a breaded fried fish filet for our supper. Wow! What a great ending supper to a super fine day!!  I blogged and Jeff read. I'm going to say it again, we love Bangkok!

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