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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!


Soccer Sunset

     May 3rd

We woke up ready to go to quicker than I thought we would. (Our train last night was delayed by 50 minutes, therefore we just squeaked into our pension right before midnight.) Anyway, we readied and went out for breakfast. We each had toast: two pieces with a fresh puree of tomato & drizzle of olive oil, and two with sliced cheese & drizzle of olive oil. I had coffee, Jeff, fresh orange juice. After eating decided to go back to room – slow, relaxing day.

Around noon went back out and visited The Central Market. It's the largest fresh produce market in Europe! But there is way more then just fresh produce.  The market includes all kinds of meats, fish and seafood, cheeses, spices, nuts, beans, and beverages – aqua to wine!! It's a feast for the senses! We did split a cup of an olive assortment, with mini pickles, pearl onions, and red peppers. It's not possible for us to buy here – no refrigerator, or way to cook (which we are definitely missing right now). 

We left market and were primed for lunch. Jeff had been wanting some Paella, which is a signature dish of Valencia. It traditionally has saffron and paprika. Then rice is stir-fried with meats/fish and or veggies.  We found Ricepaella. Both of us had the set menu of paella, fruit cup, and a drink. One paella was chicken, rabbit, snap beans with the rice; other was vegetables only – cauliflower, red peppers, beans, and onions. The fruit cup was watermelon. Yumm…

After lunch went to visited a church – Santa Caterina, and climbed it's tower. Great views of Valencia. When we came down, there was a service going on. So we pretty much exited that church. Next we attempted a cathedral, we had seen it from the tower views, but it was pricy. So went to a silk merchant's house, Llotja de la Seda. It was very grand. The entry was a mini orchard of orange, lemon, and tangelo trees. There were many decorative wood ceilings; a grand room with many columns & an arched, vaulted ceiling; and one room with a marble floor of 2d cubes (reminded Jeff and I of video game Qbert). Finally our wondering took us to Museo Nacional de Ceramica y Artes Suntuarias. This was a palace compared to the other. It was grandiose! The entry was a courtyard, but was covered with a sky light and the face of the “home” was highlighted. Beautifully, sculptured window facades and statutes. Then entered and the place became more opulent as we progressed from room to room. The grand staircase room, comes to mind; as well as a ladies retiring room; a bedroom with a tub; and the ballroom. The ceilings of each room are works of art, as well as each floor of inlayed marble, and some furniture, pieces of wood inlayed with ivory and such. Anyway, I could go on. So glad we came here.

Now, we went to a local mini grocery store and bought a light dinner of nuts and cheese. Because Jeff bought us tickets to see a “football” game!! When we arrived a big group was in our seats – no problem, just move somewhere else. There were 43,000 plus in attendance. Valencia was playing Villarreal. The stadium was supercharged with energy, enthusiasm, and excitement. It was great to experience it! The soccer game did not seem to last 90 minutes. Final was a tie! One to one! While game was going on a fantastic sunset happened as well! It was a superfine day.


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