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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Phu Quoc, Vietnam #9

–August 19,

We got around with our Javas. Then we talked with my sister via WhatsApp. Just as we were finishing the video call, Jeff received a WhatsApp message. The guy who was getting our Visas for us was coming. We quick had a breakfast of yogurt with Muesli, and croissants – a vanilla cream one and a chocolate cream one (that Jeff ran downstairs and bought at the little convenience store.

We got our Visas in our passports. But… the entry date started today, August the nineteenth and the exit date is one month from today. Well, seeing as how Jeff told him to start entry September the 4th…- This is a major complication! And the price the guy had quoted to Jeff was for one Passport, so the price doubled!! Now it's a major and expensive complication!!! Let's just say we were not happy campers. Jeff paid and we back up to our room. Now, Jeff worked to get stuff figured out. He finally found us a flight to get out of Da Lat, Vietnam to another country for our now early border run. It took almost four hrs to get this sorted.

We took a break and went for lunch at Meet n' eat. We ordered a Green Dalat Salad – which was cucumber, avocado, tomato, rocket lettuce, bean sprouts, and homemade dressing; a Blue cheese Burger 🍔; and Com Chien Rau Cu, which is stir fried rice, mixed veggies and green onions. I had a sprite and Jeff a beer. Total was 409,000 Dong ($16.38). As we were eating Jeff cleared his head. I realized we did not have a place to stay in DaLat and so we finished and we went back up to our condo…to start booking places.

Jeff saw how expensive the places were in Singapore where we doing our border run and discovered a huge race car event was happening at the very time we wanted to go. So… he cancelled those flights and –well, rest of the afternoon we were sorting things out, mostly him. It still amazes me how he processes and does these things. Anyway, he got it all figured out and fixed. We now will leave Vietnam after our “one month” extension Visa (actually 16 days), to go to Malaysia. 

We were hungry again, so went back out – opting for the Night Street Vendor area. We got takeaway of different grilled sausages and skewered chicken with okra pieces. We also got corn-on-the-cob. With our food we were heading back to our scooter. A Vietnamese young lady engaged me – I have not had this since India and Sri Lanka. It took me by surprise. When I said I was from USA, she did not understand this. So I changed it to America and her eyes lit up with recognition She exclaimed America? I nodded and the other two young ladies and she exchanged conversation and awe. This also still surprises me. Now we reached the scooter and she saw we were getting on it — now her turn to be surprised! That was a nice exchange.

Back at our place, we had our supper. Sunset was hidden in clouds. Fireworks were still special!

—August 20,

This morning we awoke and of course had our morning Javas. Then we had breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage on our hoagie like baguettes. After our bodies processed the food some, we went and did our pool laps/exercise. Then we went back to our room and did a video WhatsApp with Jeff's sister. 

Now we went out and about on our scooter. We set a course to Suoi Tranh Waterfall. It was a 21 km drive. We arrived and paid the entrance fee 30,000 Dong ($1.20) each. We strolled through a park-like area of cement made animals around a small stream that meandered back into more park-like area. The stream was slight, so don't know about the waterfall. There were signs directing us — “Road to the stream.” (Also there were signs, “Please no steep on the flowers.” I love these kind of “Chinglish” signs.)

Then we passed by some of the most beautiful wood furniture- carved and single huge pieces. (We are still on our way to the waterfall.) Once we saw these wood pieces, we forgot about the “cement zoo” of animals (which were fun but would be more fun with kids) and the waterfall, briefly. There are tables that are massive- one table was a single slab of beautiful, gorgeous wood – approximately 135 inches long! The thickness of this slab alternated 16-19 inches, but then the four corner legs added another foot or so to the thickness!!! Amazing — all one piece! Some slabs of wood for these tables were longer, or a few wider. Beautiful!  They would have been massive trees! Other sculptured wood carvings were of intricate design: animals, or flowers. Chairs for the tables were sculpted out of root systems. We also passed some buildings – one was “chapel” with a huge sculpture of this carved wood depicting Mary with slender baby angels around her. Jeff stood next to the base of the sculpture. The mammoth image of Mary was taller than him! This is all carved from a single tree!! It makes us wonder how tall or big trees were here? OR were the trees from here? And here it  is – Questions!?!

Anyway, we meandered on, actually I forgot briefly we were here for a waterfall. We finally arrived… and it was well, more a trickle of water cascading down some rocks. I only took one picture as people were soaking in little pools of water here and there. But all due credit, from the lay of the rocks the “waterfall area” could be a rip-roaring, torrent of rapid-like falls. Underwhelming still, but we would have paid the price we did just to see the wood pieces. 

Now we meandered back through more fantastic wood pieces then out of the Suoi Tranh Waterfall park. Back on our scooter we drove another 9 km to the Dinh Cau Lighthouse (which right next to a temple of the same name- we did not go to). The blue lighthouse is tiny compared to many lighthouses. We could not go in but did a photo op. We had seen this lighthouse before as it was right near the Immigration Office, that we visited last week. There is a beach right in front of the lighthouse area, so it may have been a working one in lighthouse era, but there is no write-up on it.

From here we found a restaurant for lunch, called Kien – Xay Local Food. It seemed hopping, so we went in. the menu was simple four main options. We both chose the To Gay Nghien, which was a bowl of soup with rice noodles and a shrimp patty, (with squid ink?) and beef slices. We were next directed to make a sauce topping to accompany our soup. One of the staff helped us as we were obviously out of our element here. It was super nice! The restaurant did not call the soup pho – so I'm not sure the difference. I think it must be the broth because this was not beef stock based, maybe fish. Don't know – didn't care! It was good!! We thoroughly enjoyed!

Finished we now head to the Kingkong (I like writing this and thinking of Kong Kong movies🤣) super mart. the place was packed so we did not linger. We were getting some of our last items when a lady working there saw what we were getting and showed us a sign for a special – two more cans of the cider and we get a free can of Lays-type Pringles. It was Hot Chili Squid flavored. So we did and she put it all together for us in a handy package with string handles. Anyway, we checked out and loaded up on our scooter and went back to bizarre Sunset Town. 

The afternoon came and went as we relaxed and had a siesta. Supper was our homemade, left-over soup with a long, skinny baguette topped with blue cheese. Then lastly we watched the fireworks, which we almost forgot as I was doing this blog and Jeff was reading. Good venture Vietnam day.

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