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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Phu Quoc, Vietnam #8

–August 17,

This morning I was still “puny”! I did not have my coffee!! I made some jasmine tea with tea bags that were in the condo when we arrived. Breakfast was even simpler – I only had two or three slices of baguette. Food did not seem right! But at least I have not needed to visit the bathroom urgently. Jeff had the rest of the baguette with raspberry jam or Nutella and his hot chocolate. We found some good stuff for him here.

Then we just lazed around, watching You tube, listening to music. Finally, at lunch time I was hungry. I had remembered the Meet n eat had tomato soup. Jeff went down and was gone awhile. When he came back, he lots of food. The Meet n eat was closed. So he went to another place – Times Corner. He had carrot soup; a beef stir fry noodle; and fish and chips. It was good and went well.

We both just stayed in the condo for the afternoon as well. Jeff went out and got an onion and bread for supper. We made some stir-fry in our condo. Sunset was again swallowed up in many clouds. But then the fireworks were again different and great! We went to bed around 2230. I am back to normal – don't know what I had.

—August 18,

Today, was much better, normal laid back Sunday! Jeff was even able to sleep in! We both had our Javas! I love coffee🤭!  I do remember when I was younger I could not stand the stuff. Crazy! Our tastes definitely change. Anyway, we made french toast for breakfast.

Then just puttered around here. I did notice there was blue sky for a bit and sat on the balcony some. We watched You tube; played games on our phones; and listened to music. Jeff found a good Christian worship music station called – Worship 24/7. Lunch was a potato, veggie, salami soup in chicken broth. (The condo had some chicken bouillon cubes. It has been surprising how well stocked this mini kitchen is.) The soup turned out pretty good. We are getting back into soups, we have been missing them.

Afternoon came and went as we just hung out here. Keeping on keeping on. For supper we decided to get out and walked to the night food street area. We bought X4 sausages “little spicy” to take home. As we were waiting, I saw some popcorn! Jeff bought a small bag – it cost a $1. We ate a few bites on our way back up the hill to our condo. The popcorn was not very good and we saved it for after supper. Later we had a mini watermelon as well.  We did notice the moon rise and that it is almost full. 

The sunset was brief display through “holes” in the clouds. It looked like the Michelin Man🤣!  Then I called my mom and caught up. Will plan on seeing fireworks and our church service back home as well as video will them. It has just been a “living somewhere else” kind of weekend.🤷🏻‍♀️

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