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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Moroccan Living 27

     July 27th

Yesterday we walked the boardwalk and did NOT have a single offer for an activity package! Today the same!! We have maybe/finally become known. We are almost locals! HA-HA, LOL! Picked up our laundry (decided it's easier to get it done, than to handwash and line dry with the blowing sand.) Anyway, we had pizza for lunch from the place we like. It was called Pupa – had crème fraiche as its base sauce with toppings mozzarella, smoked cheese, mushrooms and turkey ham. It was good, enjoyed the different base. We got it to go and ate it at our place. Sunset last night was nice, but may be the one of last we see from our windows!  🙁    This is because the sun's path is heading southernly and the  buildings/wall of the Medina will start to block it. Supper was last of pizza and a chickpea salad.

Today breakfast was yogurt and Muesli, Jeff also had a grapefruit. We did our walk about, stopping at a pharmacy to get one of my prescriptions. It cost almost half what it did in Spain! (The guy serving us made sure and pointed this out.) 😉  We bought shawarmas with fries for lunch. The construction crew has been laying bricks for the sidewalk on the other side of the plaza- may get it mostly done today. The plaza is being packed down with a mini steam roller (like 3 ft wide rollers) and watered at least twice today. So will probably be paved to drive on it(?). 

Will probably go for another walk about, maybe at sunset. Supper will be light. 

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