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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Moroccan Living 17

     July 8th

Today started out with leftover baghrir!!!  This is always a bonus!

We delayed going out due to the tides. How crazy is that?!? Low tide was at 12:30, so we left before noonish. We crossed through the Medina and went to the beach just on the other side. We saw how we could get to the small island area, but decided we will need our boots. We'll see if I can make it, cause I'm way more timid then I used to be! Anyway, we went across to the main part of beach. Today is Saturday, so it's very much bustling with activity! People everywhere: soccer matches, sunbathing, castle-building, wind-surfing, to just strolling – like us. We were able to walk most of the length, almost getting in all our steps. It's windy but not enough to sand blast us.

We went back to the Medina and stopped at a falafel snack place. Of course, we got a falafel sandwich each with frites and a drink. They had a really good sauce! The frites were hot and good. They also had really cool table too! From here we went back to our place. Jeff's back held up pretty good.  Siesta time! 🙂

Back at our place, they are finally working again on the square just outside our apartment. It is interesting – I'm not that accustomed to watching construction work. Anyway, they may be done by the time we leave??? Supper was pasta with veggies and a yogurt lemon-orange sauce. Turned out pretty good with some spices and fresh herbs!! 

We hope to see some of you tomorrow!! 

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