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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Mannar, Sri Lanka #43

     June 14,

Today was my birthday🎵🎶🎵!!!

We got up and about. Jeff gave me my birthday card. Then we packed up, had our morning jolts (me coffee, Jeff hot chocolate) and checked out. We went to Keells and bought one each of a savory garlic and BBQ doughnuts; a chicken & mushroom pie; yogurts; and a dk chocolate iced muffin. We drove to Mannar – Google directed us through a national park, but… No. At a checkpoint, a guard said – through motions, as he did not speak English – the water was to high for our car. So we backtracked and took other route. Along the way, we saw our first HERDS of cows in the fields, and in the road. We also saw goats, monkeys, and donkeys. (Didn't have any info on the donkeys… Questions??) There was an attraction the Giant's Tank. It's a huge reservoir… 4,550 acres! It actually has some small white caps from the wind.

Now, we finish the drive to the northwest part of Sri Lanka – Mannar – actually it is on an island. We crossed the bridge, arriving into town and to Hotel Agape at 1230. It is a large 3 story building, surrounded by one story homes. We were checking in, and they upgraded us to a suite – The Bobbitt Suite! Unloaded our stuff, and left to go to the end of the road, literally! 

We went first to an old lighthouse, and then a modern lighthouse from 1900's that England built. Neither one is operational. We walked a bit and discovered the railroad track that ends here. Then we went to Rama's or Adam's Bridge. Five months ago we were in India's equivalent point!  There is a shallow sand bar that would connect Sri Lanka to India, and doesn't allow large ships to pass through here. We checked out the ocean and could make out the sand bars, but to hazy to see India! Bummer! As we were driving to go back we saw two mongooses– we think they were the Ruddy Mongoose. They were quite aways away, so did not get a great picture. At first I thought they reminded me of prairie dogs. We now head back to town, stopping at The Palmyrah House and booked a place for my birthday dinner. Back to hotel, had a light snack and cooled off, it was around 1500.

At 1910 we left to go for our dinner reservation of 1930. We arrived and were escorted to a table. I was able to get a small 187ml bottle of an Australian Chardonnay. The little bottle was 3,250 Rupees ($10.71) Jeff said I was worth it. He's the designated driver so he did not get any wine. We were each served a Salt, Sweet Salad. Not sure that meant, I clarified that it did not have shrimp. The waiter had remembered my shrimp allergy – from when we had booked our reservation – and said, “No, the chef had been informed of my allergy!” Well… Wow! So anyway, the salad was a scoop of cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and small chopped amount of a leaf lettuce. Tasty. Next, I had a cream of vegetable soup – small chopped bits of carrots, potatoes and green beans with a decorative sprinkle of black pepper on top with a slice of buttered and toasted garlic bread. It was light and refreshing. (Jeff did not have a second course.) Then our main courses. I had a nice sized fish steak, sauteed veggies mix: green beans, large potato pieces, small cabbage wedge, and a long-sliced carrot,, and a generous side of pasta in a white cheese cream sauce. Jeff had coconut rice log with chicken curry, potato curry, tomato chutney, coconut sambal, dahl, and a veggie stuff roti with scoop of set natural yogurt. Both our meals were super excellent. The wait staff were attentive and unobtrusive – a nice combination. 

As our table was being cleared the manager came over and asked how everything was. As we were conversing I noticed the change in the music. Then the wait staff came out singing, “Happy Birthday, dear, madame, Happy birthday to you,” presenting big hunk of chocolate frosted cake with decorated “Happy Birthday” spelled out on the plate beside the cake. (The candle would not stay lit). I did not need a wish anyway. I have been blessed!!! They all waited until I cut the cake though, so I did not get a picture of the full cake. It was very nice. 

 Our total dinner was 9,850 Rupees ($32.50!) After that, we went back to our hotel and vegged out until our food digested some. It was a great birthday!

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4 Responses

  1. Laura A Hayden says:

    That lighthouse definitely needs to be painted.

  2. Valerie J Worley says:

    That Birthday dinner sounded wonderful!

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