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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Mad Tour, Day 18

October 12th

Today marks Six Months of our new life.

Awoke and readied for breakfast. We had a bit of a rough night, it was hot. There was a fan in the room, but not operating full capacity. Anyway, went to breakfast and had a medium baguette each, butter and jam, couple thick rings of pineapple, juice and tea each. It was filling and enough to start the day. Finished and loaded up in our vehicle with our guide, Harry. It was 10 minute ride to Isalo National Park. We arrived around 08. Today we do a hike into this park, a loop actually.

We start out and enter through a valley area following a spring fed river. The valley is surrounded by the sandstone cliffs. This area is translated, “We are friends,” as I recall. the cliffs are 150 meters tall and are considered sacred. The mountains are sacred to a local tribe here and are they place tombs for their ancestors in the caves in the cliffs. We are not allowed there. Fine for me that would require rock-climbing and a harness – which I'm glad to say I don't have to wear here, which in turn means an easier climb (yeah for Paula, 🙂 ). The morning light on the cliffs with its many colors and lichen is spectacular. In the valley at the beginning we see rice paddies. Harry pointed out stuff right off – a white larvae form, climbing/swarming all about a tree. They eat the sap of the tree. Then we saw Lemurs!!! A single brown one, then several ring-tailed lemurs. They came really close to us – I think they were using the path, and we were on it. It was a big group of ring-tailed and had several, small babies. Walked on a bit and saw two or three white lemurs. Now I will just list: saw at least four kinds of dragonflies – the largest in Madagascar – a blue body with a green head; a red-magenta one – there were numerous!; a brown/gray colored one; and last a very small two toned light blue one. Next birds: coolest one, a Madagascar Hoopoe – it was a brown head and into its torso, then sharp change to black and white stripes for rest of its body, also had a brilliant crown feathers of the brown to black; a kite soaring; and others we have seen before. Lastly, reptiles: several chameleons -green colored; and the largest lizard in Madagascar – I found it taking a wrong turn to the toilette. At first I thought it was a snake, but thankfully it wanted to be away from me as much as I did I him. I did have enough time to get a photo, but I left still needing the toilette- albeit more urgently now. Harry pointed out other things: a praying mantis, a walking stick, a caterpillar, and silk worms plus other stuff I don't recall right now.

Some of the loop included a hike up, up, up and through lots of sun. I was not wanting to do this, but Jeff did. Our guide made accommodation for him to go with a another group. Harry and I followed the river stream. Harry did see a huge spider in its web. Jeff met up with us (surprised Harry that Jeff was so fast) and we went on to a blue pool and a black pool. We took a siesta and swam in both pools. Hiked back to picnic area and had lunch: plate of veggies – carrots and green beans mix, tomatoes, cucumbers, sliced fried potatoes, and bread. Next was a skewer of Zebu Kebob with rice. Pineapple and papaya for dessert. We each had Youzou.

We headed back out our vehicle. Our cook and couple others joined us back to the the town Ranohira. Ten minutes and we are going back to our hotel, and with ten more minutes us being in our hotel room. Cleaned up and went down to restaurant to get online and make this blog. Then took a little siesta and to supper at 7pm. We had a starter of the onion soup, that we shared. For our mains: grilled chicken and frites; and grilled tuna and sauteed veggies with us each having a glass white wine. Dessert: a yogurt and bananas natural. During our meal there was some sort of choir singing going on the floor above the restaurant. It sounded very happy, they sang in the Malagasy language. It was upbeat and a very pleasant surprise.

Jeff collected our laundry – the man said a piece of underwear was lost due to a bunch of people at the river doing their laundry!! So our laundry was done in a Malagasy River, where we have seen so many doing laundry and bathing. Crazy to think about! Maybe I should not think about it.

Anyway, with that I'm signing off. What a fantastic day!!!!!

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