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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Kochi India, #4

     December 15th

Yesterday we set an alarm to make sure we were up by 0630. We were going to a medical facility to get a check-up. Jeff had researched and then booked us for a thorough checkup. We booked a ride to take us there. It took 55 minutes. We walked in and were escorted to the Wellness area. Then the 8 hour process began! We had blood drawn and urine sample; Eye exam and consult with Optometrist; EKG, treadmill, and consult with Cardiologist; PFT- Pulmonary Function Test given by the Pulmonologist; Abdominal Ultrasound given by Gastroenterologist; Dental exam by Dentist;Chest X-ray; Consult with a Dietician! WHEW!! Crazy, but impressive.

There were a bunch of people there all getting different tests, but not all for wellness. We had two people escorting Jeff and I, up and down this long hallway where everything is done.  They even provided meals – we did have to go to a busy cafeteria, but we were given coupons. Breakfast: we chose oats and milk with juice and coffee. (We had blood glucose check 1.5 hrs after eating, so had to keep track of that time.) Late lunch (around three): Jeff had Chicken Biryani with two sauces (one complimented very well), I had Chicken Fried Rice with a thick zingy chicken red sauce. Finally after lunch, we had an overall summation by Medical Doctor with some recommendations. We hired a car back to our place!! [It was a much longer drive due to a accident on a very narrow bridge (of course, it was there). That was crazy congestion and the mopeds/motorcycles/scooters were swarming all around making it worse. (We had some congestion the night before, but it was due to police doing breathalyzers on every single driver – cars and bikes.)]

Today, we went back to normal routine. Breakfast at nine: Jeff had masala omelet, I had French Toast (I need to cut back on eggs- in particular yolks, due to my cholesterol). After breakfast, we just went back up to our room. Jeff booked some stuff – trains and fine tuning places to stay.

We finally went out around one pm, to get steps in and to get lunch. We went to Mr. Shawarma. They did not have shawarma… soo, we got Al-Faham, which is Arabic and means grill-cooked over coal. It was chicken – very, very nicely seasoned, and each quarter was presented on a pita type bread. Also given a small bowl of yogurt and cucumbers in vinegar. We had a pistachio shake, and a mint lime juice (plus, me a coke, Jeff water). It surprisingly filled us up. Then we went to Salt Hypermarket. We went to the second story and Jeff got some T-shirts, and I got some undergarments. Then went to the grocery on the main level and Jeff found some hot chocolate mix, he also bought a cold lemon lime drink (the water at the restaurant was not cold). We're done shopping (and we some steps in), so we headed back to our place to cool off.

Around 430 pm we went back out. Jeff arranged through our homestay hostess a Kerala Kathakali Theatre. The performance starts a six, but at five the performers come and paint their faces on stage for all to see. For me it was as entertaining as the story. It took one hour for them to “do” themselves up. But the 'bad' character had to have help for some of his painting, and a “linen build up” on his jawline (I don't know what it was called or what it symbolized, but it was a lot of work!) We are given a two sided paper that tells of the drama we will see and tells of the characters. A narrator introduced some nuances as a performer acted them out, because the play is non-verbal. The narrator also sings and plays a small accordian-type box, and a small symbol. There were also two drummers.

Then the story play started. The bad one (green and red faced), called Kichaka, prances around. A second character, Malini, was sent to Kichaka under pretense to pick up some wine to deliver to the Queen. Kichaka has been secretly desiring Malini, and had the Queen (his sister) send her to him. He tried to seduce Malini. Malini would not have it (she is married to Bhima). When Kichaka's seductions/advances are shot down by Malini, he tries to violate her. She still won't have it, so he attacks/beats her. Malini escapes; runs to her husband, Bhima; and he consoles her, also promises to avenge her by killing Kichaka. Bhima tells Malini to invite Kichaka to meet her at night, but Bhima was there instead. When Kichaka showed up, Bhima was already there covered up. Kichaka uncovered Bhima and got stabbed by Bhima. The END. Then the narrator invited us to stay for another show or some stuff tomorrow… yada,yada. Then he invited us to go up on stage for photos with the three characters. We were done. I'm glad we saw a performance, but not 'my cup of tea', so to speak. We went to Cane's Dine and Kitchen (we ate here couple days ago). We had a fruit salad with ice cream, two juices (lime-mint, and lime-green apple), and a pistachio shake. The owner recognized us and had a big welcoming smile.

Finished we back to our place. I blogged and Jeff read and planned more stuff. Good day!

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