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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Glorious Mauritius 3

     September 14th

Well, today I am more upright!!! Still have to give my back some time, but it's going in the right direction finally. Thank you, thank you, thank you- ALL for your prayers!! 

Trying to stay positive, one blessing has been hearing all the different birds. So many trill's, squawkes, whistles, and tweets. It was a blessing to hear [as well as occupy my mind (my phone gets boring)]. I was unable to identify which sound was which bird, but it was great fun guessing/thinking of this- or anything else! It is truly amazing just listening to the various cadences. Today, since I could sit outside a bit, I witnessed a red whiskered bulbul eating some berries. They are responsible for the squawkes.

For once I am unable to think of more to blog. So I'll finish with thanks again to all!! Also for your prayers/concerns over Moroccan people- it will be a long haul for them! I pray for them to find courage and enjoyment in the little things of life.

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