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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Dikwella, Sri Lanka #26

     May 21,

Yesterday… well, “rainy days and Mondays always get me down”… & not getting my phone!!!  Yes, yes, the phone saga continues…….

We started laundry,🤨. I always dislike when I begin laundry, but doing it with end result – clothes come out clean – it is a pick-me-upper. Then we did WhatsApp with our sisters. For breakfast we had our Muesli with yogurts. So good start. 

Then we were chilling watching the rain come and go – come and go. Next, Jeff got a call from DHL… something about Is our phone new or used… what did this mean???  There was not enough money coverage for shipping and handling of a new phone? OR, Has my phone been swapped out, as in stolen and replaced with a used one??  So many questions, now. But looks like I won't be getting my phone today, or a phone(?). So discouraging… it. should. not. be. this. hard.!  (Ranting done for now)

On a better note, Sammy the Skink is still about. He pops out briefly when the sun comes out. Also we have been having a Kingfisher visitor. I'm gonna call it “Kali”, as in kaleidoscope. Kingfishers are just so colorful. Gorgeous! She lands on our metal gate. We know when she does this because we hear a 'clank, clank'. She is striking on the gate with whatever she has in her beak, to break it open. It was a snail. Smart – using a tool to get her food! It is fascinating to watch!

Lunch was a fruit salad of mango, apple, orange and coconut with a little mayo, lime, cinnamon dressing, and mango chutney we had. Very tropical and good. We also has some cheese and bread. It was light because we have chicken simmering in coconut water in a crock pot-type cookery for supper. So supper ended up being a penne pasta with that slow cooked chicken, a chicken and noodle-type dish. Very comforting and delicious! 😋😋 This food creativity and our nature sightings, almost made up for the bleakness-rains, blahs-Monday, and well, blundering-issues of my phone saga.

Today, we started our day with French Toast and Nutella! It was great!! Jeff got a text from our host- he wondered if we have trash. So Jeff gathered it up, as I cleaned up breakfast. It was a good thing, because our host came very promptly.

Then we were settling in for just another day… well. waiting to hear about my phone. I am still holding out a wee bit of hope that today might be the day… but alas, not today either. I checked out the DHL tracker number, and it had been updated, but with same info – 'shipment is on hold.' Jeff sent a text and an email (sometimes two ways are better than one) to find out what is up. They responded with email – customs is still not cleared, and maybe two or three more days. Ho-hum. I am trying to be patient, but this is getting old. I'm also trying to find humor in the situation… it is not happening. The mailman came so Jeff texted our host. He said he would be by again to get that.  Kali and Sammy both made their appearances! As well as the rain!! Jeff's foot is just taking it's time.

We had a late lunch of fried chicken, and Greek salad. The chicken was the thighs and legs left from the whole fryer I had cut up yesterday. (It was a small chicken like, 3 pounds.) Anyway, I had the thighs and legs marinating in the last of our cinnamon dressing over night. So I pulled them out and coated the pieces in bread crumbs and fried them up in coconut oil. They were so moist and tasty. It was a nice meal as we watched more rain and heard Kali return, off and on, due to her clank-clanking. She must be feeding babies. Today she is shelling and serving crabs!

Anyway, plan on a light supper and laid back afternoon & evening. Tata for now.

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