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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Bundi, India #59

      February 21

Yesterday we got up and about. We ordered our breakfast – both choosing veggie salad sandwiches; chopped fruit of bananas, apples, pomegranate seeds, and papaya; and coffee/tea. We turned in some laundry to be done, then went for a walk about. There was no set agenda today, just getting steps. As we wandered about we found a Pharmacy. Then we walked up toward the castle. Turned to go to the lake, Nawal Sagar. We circled around the lake. We will get up to the castle and fort another day. As we were trekking, we stopped and looked at four different Step Pools. Bundi is supposed to have 60 of these!! We will not get to them all. But, WOW! Why so many? Is it that much more dry here? Questions?? Anyway, we then stopped at a little shop and bought some fresh made pineapple juice. These are the best. Then we found a bottle shop and bought a different rum, McDowell's. Now we went back by tuk-tuk to our Zostel Hostel at The Blue Door. I hand did a little laundry. (Most places charge by piece of clothing, so the undergarments we do). Jeff went and got a haircut. It was his best one since being back home, and cost him $1.25! Then we showered and went to dinner. We ordered a Lemon Coriander Soup; a Paneer Tikka with Sauteed Veggies and Rice Plate; a Bowl of Chilli Garlic Noodles (medium spice level); and two drinks – a Kala Khatta, a mocktail of blueberries with tangy taste; and a Wild Cat Cooler, a refreshing drink of blueberries, lime and ice. After supper we took in sunset and then watched some Youtube, trying the rum – it was not as good, but smokey and oaky. Then we went to bed.

Today, up and about, and we went to breakfast. We both opted for the other option available for us, the Poha; same chopped fruit, except no pomegranate seeds; and we both had tea (I had made my own coffee).

Then we set out and went to the Sukh Mahal. This Palace is on another lake, Jait Sagar. It was built in 1776 and is of Rajput style architecture. There was a hall on the ground level (now houses a few paintings) and two rooms with domes on the second story (not open to the public). The claim to fame of this place is that Rudyard Kipling stayed here for two nights. Another building has a museum with stone carvings and paintings, also an area of arms: swords, guns, and such. We had bought tickets called 'composite entry ticket,' meaning we could get into a couple of other places, beside this site. (Which was good, I was not as impressed with this one.) There were more monkeys here, too.

Next was the Rani ji ki Baori, a step well, built in 17th Century. Oh my!!! This was worth the price of the whole ticket. This step well is massive and grandly ornate! It is more than 100 steps down (more like a grand, descending stairway). All these steps make the step well 45 meters (148 feet) deep! But the beauty comes in the carved sculptures and arch work over the pillars. Jeff went most of the way down, and he became small in comparison. It was incredible. We had it to ourselves just long enough to get pictures, then five more people came. I loved the elephant carvings. I went down the side on the railed walkway on the side, that was enough for me. Just to stand at the top and see it was very impressive.

The third entry place of our ticket was Cenotaph with 84 Pillars. We came at it from the backside, and had to backtrack a bit to get in. Through the gate is a small English type garden that leads to the cenotaph, which means a monument to someone buried elsewhere. The structure was built in 1683 by the Raja in memory of his foster mother. The 84 pillars support a domed rooftop second story.  The ceiling of the first story was a mild 3D picture carved and painted. In the center under it was a linga. The pillars are ornately carved at the top. On the second story of the structure was great distant views of Bundi and the Fort (we still have yet to get to.)

We left heading back to our place, and I saw a truck loaded to the gills with stuff. I got a great picture. Then we found a superstore! Surprise!! We went in and bought some peanut butter, jelly, and bread (this will be our lunch – we haven't had PB&J since South Africa).  Also found vinegar – to clean our C-PAPs; chewing gum; and some dried fruit. As we were leaving the store, it started to rain. Nothing on the weather App – just means weathermen here are as bad as everywhere else. So we walked briskly back (thankfully it was not that far.)

We had our PB&J's and then finished our hand-washed laundry. Showered and relaxed. Then supper we up to the Blue Door Restaurant and had Cream of Broccoli Soup; Cheese Garlic Toast; and Alfredo Pasta (with some mushrooms and broccoli). I had a watermelon mojito (no alcohol), Jeff a mango lassi. Sunset was brief due to clouds. Back to our room, I blogged and Jeff read then edited. Bed by ten.

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