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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Alleppey, India #10

     December 23rd

We were up early enough to go to the beach before breakfast. We walked quite a ways up the the shoreline and saw the fishermen. The boats were coming in and sorting out their catch for the day. It was interesting how they brought the boats in. There were four rubber-type pads they laid down as the boat was surged onto shore from the waves. The pads were approximately 4 inches wide by 4 feet long, and they spaced them around 4 to 5 feet apart. As the boat cleared the last pad it was brought up to the front. The process made it look so easy-peasy. Their nets were not that full, at least this particular boat, and what they did have appeared to be sardines. Still it was fun to watch. We went back to our place for breakfast, and rinsed quickly. We were served a stew with the Idli, the rice cake of sorts; Coconut chutney with another bread, crepe-like; and white sandwich bread that was skillet toasted with the boiled bananas. So good but really filling. Also had the masala tea.

After we finished, we went back out for more of a walkabout. One – to get more steps; two – to let our hosts clean our room. We finally found some, as in three ATM's that allow international usage. Jeff had to Google it, because we kept being denied (for various reasons that did not make sense). They all worked so we were on an ATM mission! The machines only allow withdrawals of 10,000 rupees, this is equivalent to $120. So we had to do four or five transactions, because our homestay only takes cash and our next stay is cash only as well. Money in hand we explored some.

We found the only cathedral – Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Latin Cathedral. It was open, but looked like a wedding or something was beginning. I asked, not a wedding, maybe just a mass. We were told we could go in. We hastened our visit. It was airy and big inside. The alter may be larger than the previous St Thomas Church, but who's to say. Outside the cathedral was a larger than life statue of Mary holding the crucified Jesus in her lap. After we explored we walked on. Just enjoying ourselves, and trying to not be hit by traffic- veering from busier roads most of the time for this reason! We did stop twice for water and once for me a Coke. Because it is a lot hotter than this morning. I wish I was more a morning person so we could go out earlier like this morning – that was nice. Anyway, on our way back we did stop at Catarman's for lunch – really just a snack. We split an order of peri-peri fries and each had a drink – me an Orange Mojito; Jeff a Pineapple Lassi. These juices and drinks are so refreshing and hit the spot. Back at our place Siesta time!

At four thirty, we caught a prearranged tuk-tuk for a 16km (10 miles) to a local site – Kainakary Houseboat Terminal. The tuk-tuk took us up on the elevated bypass, close to our canal route back home, except once you are on you stay on. There are not any entry or exits. This took us to parts of the town we had not been to yet. We arrived to the outskirts of town and discovered the canals and the lake, plus a bunch of rice paddies. We saw locals stalls selling fish, one selling ducks, and other stalls with trinkets,etc.. Finally, our driver turned off along a road practically level with the canals and we then we arrived. We got out and had to hike along foot wide cement “dikes” for the canals – some of which parallel the canal, others were elevated and crossed over a canal (they did not have handrails and were a bit nerve-racking for me.) Anyway, we finally arrived to a nice, wide pier and walked out to see an art piece – a sunshade, looking like sails. The houseboat terminal is no longer, but it remains a destination spot for people to come. Actually when we arrived we had to wait to go out on the pier because there was a film shoot occurring. It had to do with some of the Kathakali Drama that we saw in Kochi! We were able to see an early sunset in the west and the moon – already up but still in the east. We did see a few houseboats, but they were here because of the filming, we think. Our tuk-tuk driver walked us out here but he does not really speak English, so we could not ask. Anyway, it was a nice way to spend the evening.

We went back to our tuk-tuk, loaded up and left to go back to our place. Traffic was a mess going back!! There was construction; many vehicles, as in lots and lots, causing congestion; and police directing traffic, but only until their vehicle could get through! Our driver diverted at least twice to get us back where we were going. It was craziness and chaos – due to everyone going wherever and whenever they wanted, not obeying traffic laws in anyway shape or form; and it was so loud – horns beeping galore. The way the Indians drive… they create many of their own traffic jams!

Anyway, we had our driver drop us off at Catamaran's. It was packed too. We found a place and our waiter came over and helped us immediately. We each had a juice – me watermelon, Jeff his lime without sugar. We also had a watermelon cheese salad and Greek salad. We like this place. It has good vibes for us and plays music we know, mostly old rock. Tonight it did have a younger mix of music, because well the crowd was much younger and more local, not foreigners like at lunchtime. 

We finished and arrived back at our place around eight pm. Thanked our host family for the arrangement. We unwound, but what a great day we had.

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