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Living our dream,

 traveling the world!

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia #6

     –September 23

Started the day the normal way, Javas and made our coconut bread into French Toast with coconut milk and egg mix. So very good. We talked with our sisters and passed the morning nicely. When we had finished our calls with family, it started raining and the retaining wall in our view became a waterfall. Wowza – kinda pretty! We also were able to catch the KC Chiefs game… How about those CHIEEFFFS??!!!

For lunch we had the other three ears of the sweet corn. That corn is simply amazing! Rest of the afternoon we spent watching some You tube, reading, playing games. It rained off and on. Finally around 1700, it was not raining so we went out for supper. We choose Kensington Western Restaurant, our new favorite place. We ordered two starters: Mushroom Bruschetta and Creamy Mushroom Soup- both were great! Then we had two mains: Mozzarella Cheese Grilled Chicken with King Mushrooms & Cheese Sauce and a side of sauteed veg mix; and Sizzling Grilled Chicken with Ham & Cheese topped with Butter Cream Sauce and sides of potato wedges and sauteed veggies. This second main was the best. The whole supper was good eats though. Just as we were finishing it started raining – again, but stopped quickly enough that we were able to wait it out. We then ventured down to the 7Eleven and the local convenience store; and back to our place.

—-September 24

I did not want to get out of bed this morning – I did not sleep the greatest. Jeff said our host offerred a housekeeping cleaning of the apartment, so I had to get up and around. Also Jeff found out our E-Visa for 3-month Vietnam return has been accepted. YEAH!!! We now decided to go out for breakfast. Of course we went to our restaurant. I had Tea and a Scone – with cranberries(??) and butter & strawberry jam. Jeff had a Chicken Panini with BBQ sauce and coleslaw and cucumber slices.

When we finished we went on a walkabout, deciding to go to Brinchang. It is the next little town in this area of Cameron Highlands. I'm gonna deviate here… This area of Cameron Highlands is one main – two lane road. It is the only road going through. We actually came over a pass in the mountains here. But this one road is busy! It reminds us of Lake of the Ozarks back in the day. ONE road that everyone has to take to get anywhere.

Anyway, we walked down along this road – 2.5 miles. We did make two stops. The first stop was at Cactus Point. It is all kinds of potted plants for sale, but mostly cactus and succulents. Some plants were very small and a few were very big. There were some cacti that we had not recalled seeing before. Jeff's mom would have loved it here… she loved cacti! It was fascinating, and they had a few sovenior items. We found some local tea that we bought. Then hiked on down as the mist shrouding fog turned into light drizzle we ducked into the Agro Market (our second stop).

This mall was just past the landslide area, that we had 30 minutes delay at going to our apartment that first night here. The road is all open now – thankfully. Anyway, in the strip outdoor mall we saw more fruit (mostly strawberries) and veggies (some being that sweet corn). We also saw different flavored home-made cream bars with strawberry slices. We split a fudge bar one… very dark chocolate and frozen strawberry slices… soo good. The rain/drizzle now let up, so we went the rest of the way to the town's main mall.

Here they have a Hypermart, many food eateries – including a McDonalds, a Pizza Hut, a Baskin Robbins and a Subway – as well as other shops, but many were closed (?). Questions?? Anyway, some of the local restaurants looked good, but we were not hungry – too bad. We went into the Hypermart and bought some pasta and veggies to make stuff at our place. We also found a big 9.5 liter (2.5 gallons) of water finally, up til now the biggest we had seen was 1.5 liter bottles. With our stuff in hand we set out to go back. We were looking for a taxi, and of course, not one in sight! It was raining/drizling more again. We finally hiked some, but it was seeming to be heavier. We found a bus stop looking area – turned out to be a school's pick up area. We tried to hail a taxi from here but only two passed by. A dad on a scooter, picking up his child asked us,”Taxi?” We nodded he said he would send one. A couple minutes later one showed up. We jumped in and he took us back (probably 2 miles). On arrival Jeff gave him 25 MYR. He did not dicker, so we got out.

At our place we dried out and fixed some pasta for lunner. It was okay, but the sauce was too sweet, needed salt and pepper which this place doesn't have. We still have our home-made curry powder from Rosie in Sri Lanka. That helped.

Anyway plan on a light snack supper. It's been a wet, drizzly, cool couple of days here lately.

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2 Responses

  1. Laura Hayden says:


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